There have not been many bright spots for the Astros so far this year, but 25-year old lefty swinging Jason Castro and 29-year old switch-hitting Carlos Corporan have done solid work behind and at the plate for the Astros so far this year. Castro has played in 28 games for the Astros so far this year and he is 28 of 109 (.257 avg, .705 OPS) with 11 runs scored, 2 homers, 7 RBIs and 1 stolen base. Corporan has played in 12 games for the Astros so far this year and he is 12 for 40 (.300 avg, .853 OPS) with 5 runs scored, 2 homers and 6 RBIs. The Astros hope that Castro and Corporan keep up the good work moving forward.